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SMACC Dublin 2016

smacc2016_largeSMACC is a high impact Critical Care academic meeting fused with cutting edge social media to deliver innovation with education.

SMACC,, is the most exciting innovation in the critical care education calendar, bringing together all the Critical Care Specialties (Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesia, Rural GP’s, Retrieval medicine and Intensive Care) on a modern stage.

In June 2016, we are priviledged to host #smaccDUB in Dublin from June 13th to 16th. This will be an ideal opportunity to start your #FOAMEd career on your own doorstep.

If you don’t have a Twitter account, start one NOW!

[gdlr_icon type=”icon-globe” color=”#7e7e7e” size=”15px” ] Visit for updates

[gdlr_icon type=”icon-check ” color=”#7e7e7e” size=”15px” ] Book your conference leave ASAP!

[gdlr_icon type=”icon-twitter” color=”#7e7e7e” size=”15px” ] Follow @AssocEmergMedIE & watch out for #smaccDUB

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