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Photo Gallery ICEM 2012

Photo Gallery ICEM 2012

The Irish Association for Emergency Medicine hosted the 14th International Conference on Emergncy Medicine at the Convention Centre, Dublin from 27th to 30th June 2012. Formal Photographs from this landmark event for Irish Emergency Medicine are visible below:

Wednesday 27th June 2012

Official opening of ICEM 2012 by the President of Ireland, Mr. Michael D Higgins

First Plenary Session of the Conference

Thursday 28th June 2012

Second Plenary Session of the Conference

Official opening of Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine’s booth to promote ICEM 2014

The hosts of ICEM 2014 will be the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine. HKCEM had a complimentary booth at ICEM 2012 to promote the 2014 meeting. A ceremony took place on Thursday 28th June 2012 to officially launch the booth.

The Falck Foundation sponsored Prehospital Plenary Session

The Falck Foundation sponsored a plenary session/symposium on Prehospital Research: Challenges and Solutions. This was delivered by Prof. Ian Stiell from the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Major Emergency Demonstration at Docklands Railway Station

Iarnrod Eireann IE (Irish Rail), the Dublin Fire Brigade (who provide Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Services in Dublin City) and the HSE National Ambulance Service jointly ran a Major Incident demonstration during the ICEM Conference. The Scenario was a collision between a car and an Irish Rail Class 29000 railcar at Docklands Railway Station which is a short distance from the CCD. The photographs below are courtesy of the Dublin Fire Brigade.

The Association and the ICEM 2012 Local Organising Committee which to acknowledge the help of their colleagues in IE and the Emergency Services in facilitating us with this demonstration.

IFEM Leadership Dinner, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin

As part of ICEM meetings the host organisation traditionally hosts a Leadership Dinner for the Presidents of IFEM Membership organisations, the IFEM Executive and Committee Chairs, IFEM Award Winners, the Local Organising Committee and the ICEM Plenary Speakers. IAEM hosted the IFEM Leadership Dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on St. Stephen’s Green. The attendance was addressed by the Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD who had earlier met the national and international guests at a pre-dinner reception.

Friday 29th June 2012

Third Plenary Session of the Conference

The George Podgorny Lecture, Friday 29th June 2012

Since 2000, ICEMs have hosted a keynote lecture named in honour of former ACEP President and co-founder of IFEM, George Podgorny. The Dublin ICEM represented the 7th time the lecture had been given. The 2012 George Podgorny Lecturer was Prof. Peter Cameron from Melbourne.

Saturday 30th June 2012

Fourth Plenary Session of the Conference

IFEM Prizegiving

Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine ICEM 2014 Presentation and Invitation Ceremony

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