Photo Gallery ICEM 2012
The Irish Association for Emergency Medicine hosted the 14th International Conference on Emergncy Medicine at the Convention Centre, Dublin from 27th to 30th June 2012. Formal Photographs from this landmark event for Irish Emergency Medicine are visible below:
Wednesday 27th June 2012
Official opening of ICEM 2012 by the President of Ireland, Mr. Michael D Higgins
The President of Ireland, Mr Michael D Higgins is introduced to Prof. Peter Cameron, President of the International Federation for Emergency Medicine <br /> by Mr. Fergal Hickey (Left), Chair of the Local Organising Committee for ICEM 2012
The President is introduced to Prof. Ronan O'Sullivan, Scientific Chair for the ICEM 2012 meeting by Mr. Hickey.<br /> To the left are the members of the Local Organising Committee (LOC): (Left to Right) Mr. John McInerney; Prof. John Ryan; Mr. Niall O'Connor and Mr. Robert Eager
(Left to Right) Mr. John McInerney; Prof. John Ryan; President Higgins; Mr. Niall O'Connor; Mr. Robert Eager and Prof. Ronan O'Sullivan
The President with the officers of IAEM and Dr Una Geary, National Clinical Lead for the Emergency Medicine Programme. <br />From Left to Right are Mr. John McInerney, Hon. Secretary IAEM; Mr. Mark Doyle, President IAEM; President Higgins; Dr. Geary and Mr. Niall O'Connor, Hon. Treasurer IAEM
The President with his hosts. From left Prof. Peter Cameron, President IFEM; Mr. Mark Doyle, President IAEM; President Higgins and Mr. Fergal Hickey, Chair ICEM 2012 LOC
A selection of the audience in the Auditorium of the CCD awaiting the arrival of the President to open ICEM 2012
Chair of ICEM 2012 LOC, Mr Fergal Hickey, formally welcomes the President to the Conference
President Higgins and Prof. Peter Cameron, President IFEM, on the podium in the CCD Auditorium
The podium party listen as the President is formally welcomed to ICEM 2012
The President of Ireland, Mr Michael D Higgins, addresses the delegates and officially opens the conference
The hosts listen to President Higgins's address to the delegates
Prof. Ronan O'Sullivan who acted as master of ceremonies for the President's address in the auditorium
Mr. Mark Doyle, President of IAEM makes a gift to President Higgins of an IAEM medal in recognition of the President's attendance to open ICEM 2012
Prof. Peter Cameron responds to the President's address on behalf of IFEM
The President leaves the auditorium accompanied by his aide-de-camp and his conference hosts
First Plenary Session of the Conference
Mr. Gautam Bodiwala (UK), Immediate Past President of IFEM, the session chair and a contributor to the first plenary session at ICEM 2012. <br />The session was entitled Emergency Medicine, Public Health & Policy Making
Prof. Venkataraman Anantharaman (Singapore) gives his perspective.
Prof. Chris Baggoley (Australia) describes his experience of being an advisor in the Australian Health Department
Prof. Matthew Cooke (UK) speaks from his perspective as the Advisor on Emergency Care to the (English) Department of Health in London
Dr Una Geary (Ireland), National Clinical Lead for Ireland's Emergency Medicine Programme speaks about a national blueprint for Emergency Medicine
Words of wisdom and cupla focail Gaeilge from Dr Una Geary!
Dr Art Kellerman (USA) speaks passionately about the need for EM clinicians to harness their expertise and insights and to engage with the political system to mould things to produce a better outcome
The audience responds to Dr Kellerman's talk
Dr. Larry Bedard, Former ACEP President, puts a question to the panel
Thursday 28th June 2012
Second Plenary Session of the Conference
Prof. Pat Croskerry giving the second plenary presentation at the 2012 ICEM. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Prof Croskerry spoke on decision making in Emergency Medicine
Prof. Croskerry discusses the factors contributing to diagnostic error in EM. In the background is session chair, Prof. John Ryan of St. Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin
Prof. Croskerry explains the types of decision making seen in EM
Prof. Croskerry explaining the neurophysiological basis of decision making
Session chair, Prof John Ryan exercises the chair's prerogative to ask Prof. Croskerry a question
Prof. Joe Lex from the United States asks a question from the floor
Official opening of Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine’s booth to promote ICEM 2014
The hosts of ICEM 2014 will be the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine. HKCEM had a complimentary booth at ICEM 2012 to promote the 2014 meeting. A ceremony took place on Thursday 28th June 2012 to officially launch the booth.
The HKCEM Booth ribbon cutting ceremony featuring the HKCEM delegation and the chairs of the ICEM 2012 and 2014 Local Organising Committees, Mr Fergal Hickey (yellow tie) and Dr Axel Siu (extreme right)
The tape is cut!
The tapecutters are engulfed in confetti and ribbons to mark the event!!
The Falck Foundation sponsored Prehospital Plenary Session
The Falck Foundation sponsored a plenary session/symposium on Prehospital Research: Challenges and Solutions. This was delivered by Prof. Ian Stiell from the University of Ottawa, Canada.
The pleanary speaker is introduced by Prof.Venkataraman Anantharaman (Singapore), Falck Foundation Board member
Prof. Ian Stiell, Canada, begins his presentation on Prehospital Research - Challenges and Solutions
Prof. Stiell expanding on a point
Prof. Stiell delivering his presentation
Prof Stiell at the podium with the session chair Prof. Venkataraman Anantharaman in the background
Dr Phil Anderson, United States, asks a question from the floor
Major Emergency Demonstration at Docklands Railway Station
Iarnrod Eireann IE (Irish Rail), the Dublin Fire Brigade (who provide Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Services in Dublin City) and the HSE National Ambulance Service jointly ran a Major Incident demonstration during the ICEM Conference. The Scenario was a collision between a car and an Irish Rail Class 29000 railcar at Docklands Railway Station which is a short distance from the CCD. The photographs below are courtesy of the Dublin Fire Brigade.
The scene of the collision between a car and an IE Railcar at Docklands Railway Station
The damaged car with two critically injured youths trapped within it
The arrival of two Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) Fire Tenders
The DFB Major Emergency Mobile Control Centre (behind the rearmost Fire Tender) is now on site
DFB Fire and Rescue Staff stabilise the vehicle and attend to the occupants
A closer view of DFB crews working on the car and its occupants
ICEM delegates look on from the platform at Docklands Railway Station
HSE National Ambulance Service crews being briefed on their arrival
Cutting equipment being used on the stabilised vehicle to facilitate the extraction of the injured occupants
A closer view of the cutting equipment in action. The vehicle's A pillar is being divided
With the removal of the roof, access is achieved to the two trapped occupants of the vehicle
Occupants of the IE railcar with more minor injuries are brought to the Casualty Clearing Station (CCS) in the concourse of Docklands Station
Paramedics extricate one of the trapped victims from the car
The first of the extricated victims is free and is being brought by the Emergency Services to a waiting Ambulance
The scene after the second of the two trapped victims is extricated from the deroofed car
The Association and the ICEM 2012 Local Organising Committee which to acknowledge the help of their colleagues in IE and the Emergency Services in facilitating us with this demonstration.
IFEM Leadership Dinner, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin
As part of ICEM meetings the host organisation traditionally hosts a Leadership Dinner for the Presidents of IFEM Membership organisations, the IFEM Executive and Committee Chairs, IFEM Award Winners, the Local Organising Committee and the ICEM Plenary Speakers. IAEM hosted the IFEM Leadership Dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on St. Stephen’s Green. The attendance was addressed by the Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD who had earlier met the national and international guests at a pre-dinner reception.
The venue for the ICEM 2012 Leadership dinner hosted by IAEM at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on St. Stephen's Green
The guests make their way from the main entrance to the reception in the College Board Room. The party is followed by the Minister and his host
Prof. Art Kellerman (USA) in conversation with Dr. Una Geary and Prof. Tim Rainer (Hong Kong)
A European perspective? (Left to Right) Dr Menno Gaakeer (the Netherlands), Dr Abdel Bellou (France, President of EuSEM) and Dr Lisa Kurland (Sweeden)
The Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD, in conversation with Mr. Fergal Hickey who with IAEM President Mr. Mark Doyle introduced the Minister to the guests at the reception
Dr Fergal Cummins, UH Limerick in conversation with the Thai President, Dr. Pairoj Khruekarnchana
(Left to Right) Mrs Mary Doyle; Dr. Niamh Collins, Consultant in EM, Dublin and Mrs Ide Hickey at the reception prior to the dinner
Prof. Clif Callaway, ICEM 2012 Plenary Speaker from the University of Pittsburgh, USA in conversation with the Minister
The Minister is introduced to Prof. Ronan O'Sullivan who chaired the Scientific Committee which put together the programme
Dr John McInerney, Hon Secretary of IAEM (right) in conversation with (Right to Left) Dr Bobby Kapur, USA; Prof. Jim Holliman, USA (President-elect IFEM) and Mrs Holliman
Mr Mark Doyle and Dr. Una Geary share a joke at the reception
Dr Mike Clancy, President CEM (UK) in conversation with Dr Joanne Paul, Trinidad & Tobago and Dr. Siang Goh, Singapore
Mr Gautam Bodiwala, Past-President IFEM (centre) in conversation with Prof. Juliusz Jackubasczko (Poland) and his wife Jaga
Prof. Peter Cameron, President of IFEM is introduced to Minister Reilly by Mr. Hickey
Prof. Ian Stiell, Ottawa, in conversation with fellow Canadian and past IFEM President, Dr. Andrew Affleck
Prof. Peter Cameron, President IFEM and his wife Janet
Plenary Speaker, Prof. Richard Cantor (Syracuse, New York) and ICEM 2012 Scientific Chair, Prof. Ronan O'Sullivan deep in conversation
Mr Mark Doyle, President of IAEM formally welcomes the guests to the Leadership Dinner
Prof. Peter Cameron makes an address on behalf of IFEM
Chair of the ICEM 2012 Local Organising Committee, Mr. Fergal Hickey, speaks to the assembled guests and introduces the Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD to the audience
Minister for Health and RCSI medical graduate, Dr. James Reilly TD, addresses the IFEM Leadership Dinner
Dr. Reilly giving his address
During his passionate address, Dr. Reilly restates his absolute committment to abolish the scourge of ED overcrowding
The guests at dinner, the view from the stage of the College Hall
The view from the balcony of the College Hall, the venue for the formal dinner
A view of the guests at dinner under the watchful eye of RCSI's many lumineries whose portraits adorn the walls of the College Hall
Friday 29th June 2012
Third Plenary Session of the Conference
Plenary Session chair, Prof. Ronan O'Sullivan introduces the plenary speaker
Prof. Richard Cantor, Syracuse, New York state takes to the podium
Prof. Cantor's talk is on the recently published literature on Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Prof. Cantor emphasises a point during his informative and entertaining presentation
Prof. Cantor in full flow
Prof. Cantor shares a joke with the session chair during the question and answer session at the end of his talk
The view from the upper tier of the Auditorium of the CCD during Prof. Cantor's talk
Prof. Cantor shares a joke with the session chair during the question and answer session at the end of his talk
The George Podgorny Lecture, Friday 29th June 2012
Since 2000, ICEMs have hosted a keynote lecture named in honour of former ACEP President and co-founder of IFEM, George Podgorny. The Dublin ICEM represented the 7th time the lecture had been given. The 2012 George Podgorny Lecturer was Prof. Peter Cameron from Melbourne.
Mr. Fergal Hickey who acted as Chair and introduced George Podgorny and the 2012 lecturer, Prof. Peter Cameron
Dr. George Podgorny, after whom the eponymous lecture is named, speaks to the ICEM 2012 audience
Prof. Peter Cameron gives the 2012 George Podgorny Lecture and speaks about the challenge of the elderly patient for Emergency Medicine worldwide
Prof. Cameron emphasises a point during his tour-de-force
After the 2012 George Podgorny Lecture - Left to Right: Mrs Janet Cameron; Mr George Podgorny;<br /> Mr. Gautam Bodiwala, Inaugural George Podgorny Lecturer and Prof. Peter Cameron, 2012 George Podgorny Lecturer
Left to Right; Mr. Fergal Hickey, Chair; Dr. George Podgorny; Mr. Gautam Bodiwala; Prof. Peter Cameron and Mr. Mark Doyle, President IAEM
Saturday 30th June 2012
Fourth Plenary Session of the Conference
Session chair for the 4th Day's plenary session, Dr. Abel Wakai introduces his two speakers
The two plenary speakers, Profs Clifton Callaway and Laurie Morrison during the chairman's introduction
Prof. Clif Claaway from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, speaks on the management of post-cardiac arrest syndrome
Prof. Callaway later in his talk
The second speaker of the session, Prof. Laurie Morrison takes to the podium
Prof. Morrison
Prof. Morrison
Prof. Callaway replies to a question during the question and answer session after the two talks
A question from the floor to the panelists
IFEM Prizegiving
Dr Gautam Bodiwala, Immediate Past-President IFEM is master of ceremonies for the IFEM awards ceremony. <br />At the top table are (Left to Right): Prof. Peter Cameron, President of IFEM; Dr. Rick Blum, Secretary General and Dr. Andrew Singer, Treasurer IFEM
Prof. Cameron addresses the audience after the individual recipients have received their awards
The IFEM award recipients (standing) with the IFEM officers
Prof. Peter Cameron
Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine ICEM 2014 Presentation and Invitation Ceremony
Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony in progress
Dr. Axel Siu introduces the Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony
Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony in progress
Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony in progress
Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony in progress
Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony in progress
Hong Kong Invitation Ceremony in progress
Dr. Axel Siu and Mr Fergal Hickey
Dr. Axel Siu and Prof. Peter Cameron