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Photo Gallery 2010

Photo Gallery 2010

MCEM Part C OSCE Examinations at the Adelaide, Meath inc National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght. January 2010

The second diet of the MCEM Part C OSCE to take place in Ireland, took place at AMNCH, Tallaght in January 2010. It was organised by ACEMT on behalf of the College of Emergency Medicine.


Opening of the refurbished and extended Emergency Department at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin

A significant extension of the ED at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin was opened in January 2010, A selection of photgraphs of the improved facilities are reproduced below.


Opening of the new Emergency Department at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

A new purpose built Emergency Department for Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda was commissioned in early 2010. The Louth facility was officially opened on 23rd June 2010 by Mr Willie Rattigan, Network Manager HSE Dublin North East. Below are some photographs of the Official Opening of the newest ED in the state.


IAEM Annual Scientific Meeting, 14th – 16th October 2010, Waterford

Below are a selection of pictures from the Annual Scientific Meeting and 21st AGM weekend which took place at Faithlegg House Hotel, Waterford from 14th to 16th October 2010.

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