Irish Committee on Emergency Medicine Training: ICEMT
ICEMT Overview
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) is the training body recognised under the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 under whose auspices training in EM currently falls.
The RCSI Irish Surgical Postgraduate Training Committee (ISPTC) is the training body for Emergency Medicine recognised by the Medical Council. ICEMT is a subcommittee of ISPTC.
Emergency Medicine (EM) training in Ireland is overseen by the Irish Committee for Emergency Medicine Training in collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).
Postgraduate Emergency Medicine Education and Training
Chairperson ICEMT
Dr Gareth Quin
Consultant in Emergency Medicine
University Hospital, Limerick
Co. Limerick
Vice Dean
Advanced Specialist Training in Emergency Medicine
Professor John Ryan
Consultant in Emergency Medicine
St. Vincent’s University Hospital
Dublin 4
Vice Dean
Core Specialist Training in Emergency Medicine
Mr James Binchy
Consultant in Emergency Medicine
Galway University Hospital,
Co. Galway
Senior Team Lead
National Emergency Medicine Training Programme
Ms Orla Mockler
Operations Manager, NEMTP
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
123 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2