Photo Gallery 2013
Official Opening of the new Letterkenny General Hospital Emergency Department
The new Emergency Department at Letterkenny General Hospital was officially opened by the Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD on Friday 22nd March 2013. The new ED is part of a new ward block at the Co. Donegal hospital and replaces a very cramped department which had been in use since the 1970s. Some photographs from the official opening are reproduced below.
Liam Doherty, CNM3 Emergency Department LGH meets the Minister of Health, Dr. James Reilly TD. Also in the photograph are ED staff SN Sarah Meagher and CNM2 Bernie Boyle
In the company of the Minister are Sean Murphy, General Manager, LGH; Liam Doherty and facing the camera CNM2s Marie Brogan and Marjorie Doherty (not in uniform)
Accompanying the Minister on his tour of the ED are Liam Doherty; Dr Ken Mulpeter, Consultant Physician/Geriatrician, LGH and Joe McHugh TD (right)
The Minister is introduced to Emergency Department SN Veronica Dunleavy
Marie Brogan CNM2, ED, demonstrating the workings of the Omnicell automated drug storage and dispensing system to the Minister and visitors
LGH General Manager, Sean Murphy, brings the Minister on a tour of the new facilities
(Left to Right) Sean Murphy; Joe McHugh TD, Minister Dr James Reilly TD; Liam Doherty; Dr. Ken Mulpeter and Dr Anne Flood, Director of Nursing & Midwifery, LGH
Clair McAleer, Assistant DON; John Hayes, HSE ISA Manager, Donegal; Sean Murphy; Joe McHugh TD; Dr. Ken Mulpeter and Minister Dr. James Reilly TD view the new department
Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly, TD at the opening of the new Emergency Department at Letterkenny General Hospital.
Clair McAleer, Assistant DON; John Hayes, HSE ISA Manager, Donegal; Sean Murphy; Joe McHugh TD; Dr. Ken Mulpeter and Minister Dr. James Reilly TD view the new department
The Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD, performs the official opening in the presence of HSE and LGH Management (on left) <br />and local public representatives, Joe McHugh TD; Charlie McConologue TD and Cllr Paddy Harte
The Minister addresses the assembled audience following the official opening of the new facilities