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Publications 2024

IAEM Publications 2024

Standards for Emergency Department Design and Specification for Ireland

Irish Association for Emergency Medicine

August 2024


In 2024, IAEM commissioned Archus, a team of expert architects, engineers and health planners who provide strategic and infrastructure advice to health and social care clients across Europe and the UK to work with a short life working group of consultants in emergency medicine interested and involved in ED infrastructure projects in Ireland. This resource document is targeted at those involved in developing ED infrastructure in hospitals in Ireland over the coming decade including clinicians, funders, health care planners, engineers, designers and architects.

The Standards for Emergency Department Design and Specification for Ireland resource document describes the demand, present and projected, on EDs in Ireland and provides advice on how to calculate the required clinical space to meet this demand. It orientates the reader to the various health building standards and approaches to support clinicians and engineers using a common language. It makes particular reference to elder attuned areas to meet the needs of the older patient group that attend the ED. It suggests clever design features to maximise flow of patients and mitigate risk. It provides advice and insights into the impact of digital transformation on emergency department design.

Download: IAEM-ED-Infrastructure-Standards-Guidelines-2024-V1.2

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