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Other Public Information Videos

Irrespective of the quality of emergency care that can be provided, prevention is always better than cure. As part of the Irish Association for Emergency Medicine’s commitment to accident prevention, the Association supports the work of a variety of agencies who share our aim of reducing the number of our citizens killed or injured in accidents or in other preventable incidents. We encourage members of the public to take note of the important public safety messages in the videos on this page

IRFU working to prevent concussion in Irish Rugby

In 2014, the IRFU launched a new guide to educate players, coaches, officials and parents on the dangers of concussion and how to recognise it on the field of play. 


A player with a suspected concussion must be removed immediately and must not return to the field


A player with suspected concussion should report it to a team medic, coach, teammate, friend or family member and be properly assessed and managed. They must not be left alone or drive a vehicle.


A player with a concussion must undertake a mandatory rest period as per IRFU guidelines


A player with a concussion must follow the IRFU Graduated Return to play protocols and should be medically cleared prior to returning to full contact


Water Safety

www.safetyonthewater.ie was set up as an initiative of the Marine Safety Working Group. The aim of the group is to promote water safety.

Road Safety

Road Safety Authority Campaign

The Road Safety Authority‘s mission is “to make roads safer for everyone”. The current national Road Safety Strategy aims to reduce collisions, deaths and injuries by 30%.

Road Safety Authority:

Crashed Lives is a road safety campaign featuring true life case studies in which people speak about the consequences of a crash or about the loss of loved ones in road collisions and how it has changed their lives forever – and robbed everyone of their dreams. The first ‘Crashed Lives’ ads were launched in December 2007 and a second series followed in December 2008.

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