IAEM Milestones 1990-1999
- CSA is renamed British Association for Accident & Emergency Medicine (BAEM)
- Creation of the Intercollegiate Board on Accident & Emergency Medicine which includes representation from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI).
- Formation of intercollegiate Faculty of Accident & Emergency Medicine.
- Formation of European Society for Emergency Medicine. This was initially a society of individuals later including a federation of national societies.
- First candidates sit the Fellowship Examination of the Faculty of Accident & Emergency Medicine (FFAEM).
- Accident & Emergency Medicine recognised as a specialty by the Medical Council in Ireland with the creation of the Specialist Register.
- Publication of landmark IAEA Document: “Standards for Accident & Emergency Departments in Ireland“.
Download: Standards for Accident & Emergency Departments in Ireland
- First A&E Department in Republic of Ireland appoints its second Consultant in Accident & Emergency Medicine, Dr Geraldine McMahon in St James’s Hospital.
- Publication of Second Edition of IAEA Standards Document: “Accident & Emergency Services in Ireland – a Standard for the new Millenium“.
Download: Accident & Emergency Services in Ireland – a Standard for the new Millenium