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The IAEM Academic Committee manages the IAEM Trainee’s Award and the Bayer/IAEM Trainee Travel Bursary.

N.B. Applicants must be IAEM members and on CSTEM or ASTEM training.


Application period

Applications for the funds usually open in April and close in May.


Purposes of the Funds

The Assessors may apply the Funds for all or any of the following purposes:

  • To contribute to suitable projects of an academic or research nature of benefit to and for the promotion of the work of the speciality of Emergency Medicine.
  • To grant bursaries, scholarships, prizes, travel awards and financial or other assistance, for those undergoing, who are about to undergo a course of education or training in Emergency Medicine (EM) at schools, universities, hospitals and colleges of further education, or other medical or educational institutions for the specific benefit of the specialty of Emergency Medicine.
  • To grant bursaries, scholarships, prizes, travel awards, financial or other assistance, to promote research or other studies in Centres specialising in EM or which would provide direct benefits to the individual in particular and Emergency Medicine in general and the dissemination of such research and study.
  • To provide assistance towards the provision of educational training programmes in EM.
  • To provide for such other purposes for the public benefit in the field of EM training, professional development and research as the Assessors shall from time to time determine.

Please note, if in a given year, the two best submissions are for research projects, then both the IAEM trainee’s award and the Bayer IAEM trainee’s bursary shall be granted to research. Similarly, if in a given year the two best and most worthy submissions in the opinion of the Assessors are for travel/education both the IAEM trainee’s award and the Bayer IAEM trainee’s bursary may be used for same.


Guidelines for Applicants

Applicants are advised to read the guidelines before completing their application and make a careful note of conditions of acceptance.  Failure to follow the format will inevitably reduce the applicant’s chance of success.  The Assessors will look most favourably on carefully considered, concise applications.


Completing an application

Careful attention should be paid to detail and the application should include:

  • Detailed costings of any proposed travel, listing what elements of the trip are to be covered by the scholarship application, what is being contributed personally and what other (if any) applications for funding have been made.
  • Evidence that the applicant’s employer has been informed of their intentions and is supporting leave associated with any proposed trip.
  • Supporting documentation as outlined below limited to a maximum of 500 words outlining what will be gained from the proposed travel in terms of both personal and professional development.

Any research application not falling within the 500 word limit will automatically be disqualified however the detailed study protocol can be submitted as a separate document.

In the event that the applicant is successful in gaining funding from another organisation for all or part of the funds that are sought, the applicant should advise the Assessors, as soon as possible, so that the application may be withdrawn or modified.


Criteria for Awards

IAEM and Bayer are each sponsoring an annual fund of €2,500.00 (€5,000 total) for trainees in Emergency Medicine. The awards are to be used for projects which will demonstrably benefit the provision of high quality medical care related to Emergency Medicine in institutions or the community.

The key issue will always be the perceived quality of the application, the benefit to the specialty of Emergency Medicine and/or the professional development of the trainee.


Travel Award

There will be a fund of €2,500.00 which will consist of a travel award although a greater number of smaller awards may be made. Applicants are invited to apply for this award to be used to cover expenses such as registration, accommodation and travel costs to attend overseas Emergency Medicine scientific meetings.

Special consideration will be given to trainees who have had research accepted as oral presentations or are invited speakers at prestigious Emergency Medicine related scientific conferences such as the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians or Royal College of Emergency Medicine meetings.

Consideration will also be given to trainees who wish to complete an elective which demonstrably contributes to the trainee’s professional development.


Research Award

There will be a fund of €2,500.00 which will consist of a research award although a greater number of smaller awards may be made. Applicants are invited to apply for this award to be used to cover expenses required to complete a research study e.g. technology or software, attendance on a specialised training course e.g. statistical software course  to be used in the study.

Special consideration will be given to trainees who furnish a full study protocol with detailed methodology with their application. Having research ethics committee approval is ideal but not essential for the application.

Please note, as above, if in a given year, the two best submissions are for research projects, then both the IAEM trainee’s award and the Bayer IAEM trainee’s bursary shall be granted to research. Similarly, if in a given year the two best and most worthy submissions in the opinion of the Assessors are for travel/education, both the IAEM trainee’s award and the Bayer IAEM trainee’s bursary may be used for same.


Eligibility of Applicants

The award is specifically aimed at trainees in Emergency Medicine, be that Core Specialty Training in Emergency Medicine (CSTEM) or Advanced Specialty Training in Emergency Medicine (ASTEM). Applicants must be IAEM members in good standing.


Selection Procedure

The IAEM research committee will adjudicate the prize; this panel of assessors are delegates of IAEM Executive and the Irish Committee for Emergency Medicine Training who are the trustees of the fund; it is an annual competition; their decision will be final. All awards are made subject to the requirement by the Assessors that a presentation will be given by the successful applicant at the scientific meeting accompanying the following year’s ASM.



The Assessors reserve the right to withhold awards if, in their opinion, the applications are not of sufficient quality.


How to Apply

Please see Guidelines above.  The application form requests the following:

  • Applicant details
  • Details of TWO referees, of whom one should be the applicant’s supervisor or manager
  • An outline of the proposal in approximately 50 words
  • A fuller description up to 500 words relating to the detail of the venture
  • Costings broken down into main headings

 Enquiries may be made to: Dr Damien Ryan, Chair of Academic Committee academic@iaem.ie

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