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IAEM offers its support to the “European Day without a Road Death” campaign

Tomorrow, 21st September 2017, has been designated the second “European Day without a Road Death”. This campaign (referred to as Project EDWARD) is an initiative organised by the European Traffic Police Network, Tispol, and is supported by An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority.

Sadly, 112 people have died so far this year on Irish roads and while this figure may be lower than on the same date last year, the number of road deaths and injuries is still unacceptably high. All of us who work in Ireland’s 29 Emergency Departments (EDs) are only too familiar with the devastation caused by the deaths and injuries sustained on our roads. We are particularly keen, therefore, that other families are spared the devastating news of the death of a loved one, even for one day of the year.

The Association has a long track record of advocacy on road safety and its members have been and continue to be involved in multiple road safety initiatives, both nationally and locally. We strongly support any appropriate intervention that will contribute to better road safety and therefore fewer deaths and injuries on our roads. We are therefore recommending that the public engages positively with this campaign. What Project EDWARD is asking is that all road users think before they use the roads so that their behaviour doesn’t endanger the lives of others.

As is well-known, a very high percentage of road deaths and serious injuries are entirely avoidable and therefore all who use the roads have a shared responsibility to assist in making our roads as safe as they can be and, certainly, far safer than they currently are.

Download:     IAEM Press Release supporting Project EDWARD on 21st September 2017

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