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IAEM looks forward to another excellent Annual Scientific Meeting

The 2017 IAEM Annual Scientific Meeting will take place at the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th October with the Annual General Meeting of the Association on Saturday 21st October 2017 at 10:00 am. Although Galway Bay and Salthill have taken a battering as a result of Storm Ophelia, it’s all systems go for the event which is returning to the Western Capital for the first time since 2004.

The meeting will feature topical talks on the organisation and delivery of trauma care as well as issues as important as the new Advance Healthcare Directives legislation, the coronial process and the Acute Floor concept. In addition there are sessions by acknowledged experts on vertigo, toxicology, microbiology and allergy, amongst others.

The 10 best abstracts submitted to the conference will be presented as oral presentations as will the 10 best posters as moderated posters. The academic programme will be completed by updates from the IAEM President, RCEM President and EMP National Clinical Lead as well as updates on the IAEM Clinical Guidelines process. The 2017 Leo Vella lecturer will be Prof. Stephen Cusack, Professor of Emergency Medicine at University College Cork.

There will be an extensive Emergency Nursing track on Thursday 19th October.

A black tie Gala dinner will complete the proceedings on Friday 20th October 2017 with the Annual General Meeting of the Association the following morning.

Registration is still available at where the programme can also be accessed but attendees are advised to register as soon as possible for logistics reasons. The conference Twitter hashtag is #IAEMGalway17.

Download:     IAEM Press Release looking forward to the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting Galway

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